Based in Dusseldorf we provide sourcing solutions globally since 2003. We help importing companies to avoid 100% prepayment in settlements with suppliers and offer inexpensive financing on short, medium and long-term basis. The cost of such financing is much lower than the standard loan rates of any bank. To finance import operations we apply various documentary instruments which cover lending, guarantees and payment services. Documentary instrument does not require you to provide cash cover. The choice depends on your needs and the main terms of the import contract. We elaborate the contract terms in details to give you the precise tool which suits your needs the most.
Tools of Financing:
- Lending
- Issuance of letters of credit
- Factoring
- Export credit
- Insurance
- Receivables discounting
The benefits of international trade finance instruments:
- The risks of your company are replaced by bank liabilities
- Non-resource basis of finance significantly reduces its cost
- Additional requirements for suppliers allows better deliveries planning
- The risks of unfair behavior of your counterparties are minimized